The Yugam, in which presently we are living, is called as “Kali Yugam”. Other than this Kali Yugam, there are 3 Yugams that we have crossed and they are Kretha, Thretha and Dwapara Yugam. In all these 3 yugams, Sriman Narayanan has taken lots of Avatharams (incarnations) to protect the Dharmam against Adharmam (evil) and protect the life of his bhaktas.
The holy star Mrigaseersha combined with the Pournami thithi is the birth of the great Margazhi month. This year the popular and auspicious Margazhi month has begin on Tuesday the 16th December at 5.37PM among the 12 Tamil months, Margazhi brings the spring season.
The month of Margazhi which is supposed to be sacred from all aspects. Thus it's rendered to the god himself in aim of attaining prosperity and blessings, hoping god showers with all good luck. The very objective this month is to get together and offer the prayers, he will surely listens to it.
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