Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"ROOSTER IT" recruits FRESHERS : J2EE Trainee Developer @ Chennai

Our company is a fast growing software development center working on various product developments for our clients in the HR and ERP verticals.

Recruitment for J2EE Trainee Developer 

Job Description :

Role: Sun Certified java freshers who are high energy programmers wanting to work on aggressive development models implementing latest technologies.

Opportunity: Develop and implement SaaS based software in HR and on-Demand ERP. 

Desired Profile :
Technologies: J2EE (POJO, Struts, JSP), Web Services, SOAP, XML, Web 2.0 – 3.0, MySQL / Oracle, Linux / Unix, JMS

Experience: Java trained professionals to work in product development/support. Must be willing to work on shift timings 

Location : Chennai
Experience : 0-1 Years

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