Wednesday, February 4, 2009

(0-1 Years) WAlk-In @ "VISTEON" : Analyst : On 5 Feb 2009

Visteon Technical and Services Centre Pvt Ltd (


Job Description:
1. Prepare RFQ and email to the supplier along with prints and/design assumptions. Follow-up to ensure timely response form the supplier Receive response and ensure completeness
2. Measure quality and turnaround time
3. Special assignments as business requires 

Candidate Profile:
1. Good communication and analytical skills
2. 60% and above in academics
3. Team player 

Educational Qualification: 2008 passed out graduates (regular stream) only apply.
Experience: 0 - 1 Years 
Job Location: Chennai

Walk-In Date: 5 Feb 2009 | 10.30 AM
Venue: Visteon Technical & Services Centre
Office Level#3, Building “Fortius”
Olympia Technology Park
No:1, SIDCO Industrial Estate
Guindy, Chennai – 600 032
Tel: 044-66177347

Carry your updated CV, photograph, copy of provisional certificates/mark sheets

Also carry this mail copy to enter Olympia campus.

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